
// This file is part of Moodle -
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// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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 * A type of dialogue used as for choosing modules in a course.
 * @module     core_course/activitychooser
 * @copyright  2020 Mathew May <>
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later

import * as ChooserDialogue from 'core_course/local/activitychooser/dialogue';
import * as Repository from 'core_course/local/activitychooser/repository';
import selectors from 'core_course/local/activitychooser/selectors';
import CustomEvents from 'core/custom_interaction_events';
import * as Templates from 'core/templates';
import * as ModalFactory from 'core/modal_factory';
import {get_string as getString} from 'core/str';
import Pending from 'core/pending';

// Set up some JS module wide constants that can be added to in the future.

// Tab config options.
const ONLYALL = 1;

// Module types.
const ACTIVITY = 0;
const RESOURCE = 1;

 * Set up the activity chooser.
 * @method init
 * @param {Number} courseId Course ID to use later on in fetchModules()
 * @param {Object} chooserConfig Any PHP config settings that we may need to reference
export const init = (courseId, chooserConfig) => {
    const pendingPromise = new Pending();

    registerListenerEvents(courseId, chooserConfig);


 * Once a selection has been made make the modal & module information and pass it along
 * @method registerListenerEvents
 * @param {Number} courseId
 * @param {Object} chooserConfig Any PHP config settings that we may need to reference
const registerListenerEvents = (courseId, chooserConfig) => {
    const events = [

    const fetchModuleData = (() => {
        let innerPromise = null;

        return () => {
            if (!innerPromise) {
                innerPromise = new Promise((resolve) => {

            return innerPromise;

    const fetchFooterData = (() => {
        let footerInnerPromise = null;

        return (sectionId) => {
            if (!footerInnerPromise) {
                footerInnerPromise = new Promise((resolve) => {
                    resolve(Repository.fetchFooterData(courseId, sectionId));

            return footerInnerPromise;

    CustomEvents.define(document, events);

    // Display module chooser event listeners.
    events.forEach((event) => {
        document.addEventListener(event, async(e) => {
            if ( {
                let caller;
                // We need to know who called this.
                // Standard courses use the ID in the main section info.
                const sectionDiv =;
                // Front page courses need some special handling.
                const button =;

                // If we don't have a section ID use the fallback ID.
                // We always want the sectionDiv caller first as it keeps track of section ID's after DnD changes.
                // The button attribute is always just a fallback for us as the section div is not always available.
                // A YUI change could be done maybe to only update the button attribute but we are going for minimal change here.
                if (sectionDiv !== null && sectionDiv.hasAttribute('data-sectionid')) {
                    // We check for attributes just in case of outdated contrib course formats.
                    caller = sectionDiv;
                } else {
                    caller = button;

                // We want to show the modal instantly but loading whilst waiting for our data.
                let bodyPromiseResolver;
                const bodyPromise = new Promise(resolve => {
                    bodyPromiseResolver = resolve;

                const footerData = await fetchFooterData(caller.dataset.sectionid);
                const sectionModal = buildModal(bodyPromise, footerData);

                // Now we have a modal we should start fetching data.
                // If an error occurs while fetching the data, display the error within the modal.
                const data = await fetchModuleData().catch(async(e) => {
                    const errorTemplateData = {
                        'errormessage': e.message
                    bodyPromiseResolver(await Templates.render('core_course/local/activitychooser/error', errorTemplateData));

                // Early return if there is no module data.
                if (!data) {

                // Apply the section id to all the module instance links.
                const builtModuleData = sectionIdMapper(data, caller.dataset.sectionid, caller.dataset.sectionreturnid);

                    partiallyAppliedFavouriteManager(data, caller.dataset.sectionid),

                bodyPromiseResolver(await Templates.render(
                    templateDataBuilder(builtModuleData, chooserConfig)

 * Given the web service data and an ID we want to make a deep copy
 * of the WS data then add on the section ID to the addoption URL
 * @method sectionIdMapper
 * @param {Object} webServiceData Our original data from the Web service call
 * @param {Number} id The ID of the section we need to append to the links
 * @param {Number|null} sectionreturnid The ID of the section return we need to append to the links
 * @return {Array} [modules] with URL's built
const sectionIdMapper = (webServiceData, id, sectionreturnid) => {
    // We need to take a fresh deep copy of the original data as an object is a reference type.
    const newData = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(webServiceData));
    newData.content_items.forEach((module) => { += '&section=' + id + '&sr=' + (sectionreturnid ?? 0);
    return newData.content_items;

 * Given an array of modules we want to figure out where & how to place them into our template object
 * @method templateDataBuilder
 * @param {Array} data our modules to manipulate into a Templatable object
 * @param {Object} chooserConfig Any PHP config settings that we may need to reference
 * @return {Object} Our built object ready to render out
const templateDataBuilder = (data, chooserConfig) => {
    // Setup of various bits and pieces we need to mutate before throwing it to the wolves.
    let activities = [];
    let resources = [];
    let showAll = true;
    let showActivities = false;
    let showResources = false;

    // Tab mode can be the following [All, Resources & Activities, All & Activities & Resources].
    const tabMode = parseInt(chooserConfig.tabmode);

    // Filter the incoming data to find favourite & recommended modules.
    const favourites = data.filter(mod => mod.favourite === true);
    const recommended = data.filter(mod => mod.recommended === true);

    // Both of these modes need Activity & Resource tabs.
    if ((tabMode === ALLACTIVITIESRESOURCES || tabMode === ACTIVITIESRESOURCES) && tabMode !== ONLYALL) {
        // Filter the incoming data to find activities then resources.
        activities = data.filter(mod => mod.archetype === ACTIVITY);
        resources = data.filter(mod => mod.archetype === RESOURCE);
        showActivities = true;
        showResources = true;

        // We want all of the previous information but no 'All' tab.
        if (tabMode === ACTIVITIESRESOURCES) {
            showAll = false;

    // Given the results of the above filters lets figure out what tab to set active.
    // We have some favourites.
    const favouritesFirst = !!favourites.length;
    // We are in tabMode 2 without any favourites.
    const activitiesFirst = showAll === false && favouritesFirst === false;
    // We have nothing fallback to show all modules.
    const fallback = showAll === true && favouritesFirst === false;

    return {
        'default': data,
        showAll: showAll,
        activities: activities,
        showActivities: showActivities,
        activitiesFirst: activitiesFirst,
        resources: resources,
        showResources: showResources,
        favourites: favourites,
        recommended: recommended,
        favouritesFirst: favouritesFirst,
        fallback: fallback,

 * Given an object we want to build a modal ready to show
 * @method buildModal
 * @param {Promise} bodyPromise
 * @param {String|Boolean} footer Either a footer to add or nothing
 * @return {Object} The modal ready to display immediately and render body in later.
const buildModal = (bodyPromise, footer) => {
    return ModalFactory.create({
        type: ModalFactory.types.DEFAULT,
        title: getString('addresourceoractivity'),
        body: bodyPromise,
        footer: footer.customfootertemplate,
        large: true,
        scrollable: false,
        templateContext: {
            classes: 'modchooser'
    .then(modal => {;
        return modal;

 * A small helper function to handle the case where there are no more favourites
 * and we need to mess a bit with the available tabs in the chooser
 * @method nullFavouriteDomManager
 * @param {HTMLElement} favouriteTabNav Dom node of the favourite tab nav
 * @param {HTMLElement} modalBody Our current modals' body
const nullFavouriteDomManager = (favouriteTabNav, modalBody) => {
    favouriteTabNav.tabIndex = -1;
    // Need to set active to an available tab.
    if (favouriteTabNav.classList.contains('active')) {
        favouriteTabNav.setAttribute('aria-selected', 'false');
        const favouriteTab = modalBody.querySelector(selectors.regions.favouriteTab);
        const defaultTabNav = modalBody.querySelector(selectors.regions.defaultTabNav);
        const activitiesTabNav = modalBody.querySelector(selectors.regions.activityTabNav);
        if (defaultTabNav.classList.contains('d-none') === false) {
            defaultTabNav.setAttribute('aria-selected', 'true');
            defaultTabNav.tabIndex = 0;
            const defaultTab = modalBody.querySelector(selectors.regions.defaultTab);
        } else {
            activitiesTabNav.setAttribute('aria-selected', 'true');
            activitiesTabNav.tabIndex = 0;
            const activitiesTab = modalBody.querySelector(selectors.regions.activityTab);


 * Export a curried function where the builtModules has been applied.
 * We have our array of modules so we can rerender the favourites area and have all of the items sorted.
 * @method partiallyAppliedFavouriteManager
 * @param {Array} moduleData This is our raw WS data that we need to manipulate
 * @param {Number} sectionId We need this to add the sectionID to the URL's in the faves area after rerender
 * @return {Function} partially applied function so we can manipulate DOM nodes easily & update our internal array
const partiallyAppliedFavouriteManager = (moduleData, sectionId) => {
     * Curried function that is being returned.
     * @param {String} internal Internal name of the module to manage
     * @param {Boolean} favourite Is the caller adding a favourite or removing one?
     * @param {HTMLElement} modalBody What we need to update whilst we are here
    return async(internal, favourite, modalBody) => {
        const favouriteArea = modalBody.querySelector(selectors.render.favourites);

        // eslint-disable-next-line max-len
        const favouriteButtons = modalBody.querySelectorAll(`[data-internal="${internal}"] ${selectors.actions.optionActions.manageFavourite}`);
        const favouriteTabNav = modalBody.querySelector(selectors.regions.favouriteTabNav);
        const result = moduleData.content_items.find(({name}) => name === internal);
        const newFaves = {};
        if (result) {
            if (favourite) {
                result.favourite = true;

                // eslint-disable-next-line camelcase
                newFaves.content_items = moduleData.content_items.filter(mod => mod.favourite === true);

                const builtFaves = sectionIdMapper(newFaves, sectionId);

                const {html, js} = await Templates.renderForPromise('core_course/local/activitychooser/favourites',
                    {favourites: builtFaves});

                await Templates.replaceNodeContents(favouriteArea, html, js);

                Array.from(favouriteButtons).forEach((element) => {
                    element.dataset.favourited = 'true';
                    element.setAttribute('aria-pressed', true);

            } else {
                result.favourite = false;

                const nodeToRemove = favouriteArea.querySelector(`[data-internal="${internal}"]`);


                Array.from(favouriteButtons).forEach((element) => {
                    element.dataset.favourited = 'false';
                    element.setAttribute('aria-pressed', false);
                const newFaves = moduleData.content_items.filter(mod => mod.favourite === true);

                if (newFaves.length === 0) {
                    nullFavouriteDomManager(favouriteTabNav, modalBody);